Land - Alex Campbell
Available - September 2014
With elements of Ally Condie's Matched and a social structure of coloured factions similar to that of Divergent Alex weaves these familiar threads into something new, exciting and above all relevant to the Global Warming issues we are currently facing. The prologue sets the scene in our current day (year 2014) with a freak unexpected rise in sea levels that wipes out most of the worlds populace excepting those lucky enough to have access to a boat. Naturally the horror doesn't stop there as several months at sea with limited provisions will take its toll leaving only a lucky few - the strongest survive.
Fast forward a couple of generations and we see that this Darwinian mantra has shaped a new society that rose from the Sea. In the scrabble to rebuild society the strongest members who would make the hard decisions were chosen to lead and create law, the result? an enforced heartlessness in a factioned society…
Our unwitting heroine Christabelle is forced to see injustice everyday and told to ignore it by the woman she trusts most in the world, her Grandmother Constantine however as Con's selection date nears (I won't tell you what that means other than a certain type of goodbye) she is entrusted with the beginnings of the truth and the part she must play in brining down the corrupt government, from the inside no less. There is a no holds barred darkness to this book, a gritty and menacing cautionary tale showing the darker side of society and how delicate the balance with our natural world can be, but there is great heart and Christy is an interesting and complex character that I loved getting to know.
This brilliantly complex Debut as far as I am aware is a stand alone novel which I find so refreshing, knowing that I don't need to wait around a year to find out what happens next made me more able to enjoy the present. I am very excited to see what will come next for Alex, as Hers is a writing style I hope to enjoy for many years to come.
Isn't this Jacket awesome? For a sneak peek of the book you can find the first few chapters Here.
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