Both Available Now
Both stories, while they are from the same author are for me, like night and day- Young Adult vs Adult, the Beginning vs the End, modern storyline vs one rich in history and while the two protagonists do share similarities in their avoidance of the big issues Immortal Beloved's Nastasya is wounded and yet coming to grips with a lifetime of running from herself where as Birthright's Vivana Neves comes across as a bit selfish and annoying.
Having said this of Viviana I do remember being the seemingly ancient age of 17 and feeling just as strongly in regards to my own ideals as she does in her views of her shape shifting heritage and I was just as passionate and sure which no doubt was seen as stubborn ignorance, that i was right and my feelings were justified. However, in the end whether they were or weren't doesn't matter as inevitably they slowly changed anyway, all part of the natural progression of time and experience as Vivi is about to find out. We meet Vivi a seemingly average high school girl, she has a best friend she adores and parents who she loves but doesn't agree with..fair enough the sticking point they can't see eye to eye on is rather abnormal. Their family is part of a long line of Jaguar shape shifters and instead of jumping for joy at her hereditary superpower Vivi feels like a freak and shies away from any form of involvement in her parents proud heritage until brutal attack on her family forces her to dive a little deeper into herself and her other side. While it is early days yet with a colourful cast, mysterious love interest and an exciting setting like New Orleans I am looking forward to seeing her growth and understanding as the series progresses.

Flipping to the other side of the coin and the grande finale for the Immortal Beloved series which I loved so much! Nastasya is spirited and employs sarcasm like a master, her humour has me giggling to myself constantly and breaks up the tension and darkness in the plot. Nastasya has come a long way and her character development is clear, the feelings she slogs through are confronting and honest and her 'wholeness' is so close you can almost touch it - until of course her self doubt chimes in and ruins things. Her struggle I found very relatable I mean truthfully haven't we all fought similar demons, self doubt and to a degree loathing? Of course not everyone has the privilege or ability to run from these feelings for four centuries!
As with the previous books the layers of her 450 years are described with intimate details for each period that make you feel for a moment in time that you were there, Beautifully written and so unique this is a series I have thoroughly enjoyed and can highly recommend.
No matter the series, I can't wait to see what Cate delivers next.
For a more in-depth look at the Immortal Beloved series check out my previous review here
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