A Werewolf in Manhattan/A Werewolf in the North Woods
Vicki Lewis Thompson
Books 1-5 Available now.
Recently I was looking for a little literary escapism, you know the type... something you would usually read laying on a beach while on holiday, where nothing really terrible happens, they are fun and light with just the right amount of drama? Well boy oh boy have I found it - and best of all? there's a whole series of these juicy morsels to feast on!
Each book is based on a male and female character who always have opposing views and chemistry that could
start a fire making for a delicious mix of naughty and nice. One of my fave aspects of these novels is the constant yet seamless
alterations of perspective between our two main characters, giving a
detailed view of the emotional 'stirrings' of both male and female
counterparts as it adds a whole new dimension to the mix, besides, who
wouldn't want to be inside the head of a hunky wolf, especially when
he's thinking all the things you secretly dream that men think
*cheeky grin and knowing head nod*
While they are fun to read sequentially they are always about different characters in the same 'world' so really you can pick up whichever, whenever you like. Vicki weaves together relatable characters, witty repartee, humour and sticky situations often climaxing in steamy liaisons. In fact while we are on the subject of climaxes, these happen to be some of the best sex scenes I have had the pleasure to read, thank you Vicki!
Grab a copy, a comfy chair and a beverage of your choice and enjoy - You can thank me later.